Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ce Ce's Garden....

This is the first of many little pincushions to come! This is name for my dear friend in Idaho that has an amazing business of dyeing threads and ribbons. I stitched flowers because she loves all sorts of flowers and the hearts are because twice now she has been so generous with her lovely threads and ribbons and I love her for it. When a designer only has a few threads to pick from our little brains work overtime trying to make things work but when you have 50 colors to choose from the design easily comes together. Let me put it this way - if you are trying to make chocolate chip cookies and you don't have any chocolate chips the cookies are just not going to taste like they should - hmmm I wonder if I have any chocolate chips................

1 comment:

matate10 said...

Check this out:
I thought you deserved to be nominated.

Mary Ann