I wish I could stitch faster, some days I feel like I am stitching in slow motion! If I do two letters a month it will take me a year to finish this piece. Its going to be amazing when done for sure, all the over dyed threads are making it extra special and I have just the perfect place to hang it. I order some more threads to try to come up with just the right combo to fill in the little boxes (there is a letter with solid stitching behind it). My favorite colors are the golds and greens but I'm not sure if that will work for all the letters. Next is C for cow and the cow in the pattern has horns and I am not liking the colors too much so I am thinking my cow will be a black and white cow. I change the kitty just a little too. My kitty is just a little bit more sweet than the pattern shows.
Well we finally gave up our Oklahoma phone numbers and tomorrow the last piece of the puzzle will happen, my truck becomes an Idaho truck, no I guess that will be the next to last piece of the puzzle. Two more weeks for the last piece......
Have a great evening......
Elizabeth Ann
It's looking fantastic -
Wow! That is going to be amazing!!
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