Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have a lot of nice wall space in this house and today I hung my first quilt up. I designed this quilt probably 7 years ago now and its been packed for 6 years. The man that did the quilting had an amazing machine and it had my favorite pattern on it (sunflowers). It wasn't a big seller probably because of the little dolly (I was told this) by the quilt police but I still love it.

I feel a little lost in this nice big room not sure where to put anything yet. I need someone to come get it all organized...........
Elizabeth Ann


Patty C. said...

Don't listen to the Quilt police - It's lovely ;)

Anonymous said...

The only thing I'm organizing is my sleep pattern...

Lori said...

If I was closer I'd love to come help organize you!! LOL

The little wall hanging is so swet.:)

matate10 said...

You know what I think about the quilt police! so Never, ever listen to them!!

sunny said...

what awesome quilting!!