Sunday, October 2, 2011

Boy oh boy, 2 whole days went by and I didn't get one piece cut on my new quilt - not good.  However I did manage to make more little ornaments.  I promise not to show anymore until its all done.  But its difficult to keep quiet about something so much fun to make. 
I had a sweet neighbor come down one day and show me a piece of cross stitch that she had just learned to do and of course if you know me at all, that lesson changed my whole life.  Of course we didn't have any stores in our town that sold any supplies so we had to order everything.  Three of us would get together and order DMC floss and the day it arrived we would sit around the table together and Jeanne would empty the package onto the table and we would just sit and stare at all the beautiful colors.  They would stitch a whole pattern in a few days but it would take me a month or so to finish anything.  I had a brand new baby girl and a very busy 3 year, I could hardly wait for nap time!
Now I just want to share with all of you!  Try just a little piece of wool embroidery.  All those stitches you learned years ago will look so pretty with some beautiful thread and fun wool!
Have a awesome week!!
Elizabeth Ann


Dianne said...

That was a sweet remembrance...I have some special ones like that as well. Nice memories. I love seeing all your new kits!

Patty C. said...

I have 4 children - Nap time never seemed to happen at the same time - I quit all of my crafting for years - I recently started back up with blogging - Isn't it fun - Meeting many new friends & sharing so much creativity -

Now I am just waiting for Grandchildren -lol

Enjoy your day