Friday, July 30, 2010

3 Done and Thats about It....

I have been busy this morning. First I had to get a picture of this quilt - I am loving it, boots and all. But I had to decide what should go in the photo. I had plenty to choose from in this house. Boots, hats, spurs hmmmm.
You find none of those goodies in my closet - remember I have artwork in there!

This is quilt #3 and its done. Quilt #4 is coming along but I ran out of material for it and that is about a 3 hour trip so it will have to wait until next week. So I decided to clean a bit and pick up the sewing room. I love finding all the pins in the carpet before they find me.

I started drawing some ideas for my next project. It's going to be a big project just think about lace, buttons, old roses, pillows with tassels, well used pincushions and a needlecase. I can hardly wait until I get to start sewing on it but I need some fabric - oh my....

I also had to go check the Pioneer Woman's website. She is giving away some very nice dishes, I was number 1,000 and something. At least there where only 20,000 something people registering for this giveaway. I would really enjoy those dishes but really I want to win the camera, my chances for that are a little worse I fear, last time there where over 40,000 people registered. But why I brought all that up is, I found a website called and she has some great hints for canning, freezing and making biscuits. Now my biscuits are round and flat and people tend to laugh at them but she gives away the secret to have a very very nice biscuit. We will find out tomorrow morning if she was any help at all. Have a great weekend!

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