Monday, September 13, 2010

Just By Accident....

I was walking to the kitchen and looked out the window to see why it was getting dark. The sun had been shining and it is suppose to be 90 today and this is what I saw! I still cannot believe that my little camera does such a good job taking these pictures so far away. You know I have been wanting to win that wonderful camera that the Pioneer Woman gives away - I really do need it.... but for now I am very happy to get nice pictures like this one that I can enjoy.

Yesterday Kaaren at the Painted Quilt posted the instructions for making such a precious pin cushion out of wool. I don't have any scraps of wool in my closet but a trip to Country Collections in Moore (you know the shop that is around the block from the sewing machine store) would solve that problem. I think it would be so much fun to make. Speaking of sewing machines. I made the mistake of cleaning and oiling mine last week. It sews like a brand new machine and the husband was very happy but a girl can still dream.....


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