Thursday, September 1, 2011

Making a House a Home.....

Well I have hung pictures and drapes and moved furniture around and finally some rooms are getting to be like home and some rooms still need a lot of work.
I finally feel like getting back to work drawing and stitching, fall always helps to get me back to work though.
Today I hope some new Christmas ornament patterns arrive in the mail, I have to keep up with my friend over in Florida.....
Eleven days from today I get to go to Shepherd's Bush in Utah. I still can't believe I get to go and enjoy their shop.
By the way, my friend CeCe is having a great contest to win some of her beautiful threads and soap, today is the last day so you better hurry over. Check out her blog or her Face book account - Mathair Earth for details.............
Elizabeth Ann


Nadine Thompson said...

Well Elizabeth Ann I do hope to see you again next year. I have been invited back and it has become a favorite with me. Wonderful place, great people. Love your blog and plan to spend some real time here very soon, warmly, Nadine

Patty C. said...

I think I'd better get stitching - I work all weekend so we will see how productive I can be next week ;)

Enjoy your weekend !!!