Sunday, September 11, 2011


Well I have to put down my paint brushes, stop decorating for a few days, and head down to this store. DO you know what is behind that front door? Shepherd's Bush!!! I have always wanted to visit but knew it just probably wouldn't happen, Utah is sort of not a place we would go on vacation to but who would ever guess, I'm GOING.

I would have been polite and asked if there was a little something I could bring to you but sorry I'm thinking I will be spending all my money on me. Can you just imagine all the beautiful linens, patterns, kits calling my name.....

Elizabeth Ann


Cindy said...

oh my gosh......i hope you have a is on my to do list someday maybe, lol!!! anyway have a great time and be sure to share when you return!!

Campbell Kids said...

OMGoodness! I would so love that place! Be sure to stop by my blog to enter for a free scrapbooking software giveaway!
