Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wooly Rabbit......

Went to the Farmer's Market today, bought some lovely soap from dear CeCe.  When I teach my wool embroidery class next month, I will be giving away one of her newer soaps.     This little pincushion has a wonderful background of a real thick textured wool - just love that stuff!  I ordered a bunch of new wool yesterday for my project for McCall's Quilting magazine and for some new Christmas designs I drew up.
Its still pretty warm here, wish they hadn't closed the pool up, we could be enjoying it still.  It's very interesting weather here, when the sun goes down, it instantly cools way down to 55 and then it takes a very long time to heat back up again.  But the farmers have been cutting hay, corn and we think we saw a load of potatoes today.  They were either very large potatoes or very small sugar beets........
Elizabeth Ann

1 comment:

Patty C. said...

I love the Rabbit - SOOOO cute ;)