Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day Twenty of Christmas Joy......

Now if you are stressing out just a little about this guy
showing up at your door in just 10 days....
turn some lovely Christmas music on, make some
hot chocolate and have a cookie,
trust me, you will feel a lot better......
Elizabeth Ann


Carol said...

I'll have to admit, I'm stressing out right about now. Hopefully, everything will be done by this weekend so next week I can relax :)

Love your stitching, Liz--have done two of the three myself!!

Lori said...

I can comment! Good job!!

I love the Santa in the striped suit. He is too terribly cute!!

sunny said...

Very cute! I can do the music and hot chocolate, but cookies aren't on the agenda until tomorrow. Sewing down bindings to day on a set of placemats. must go sew....

Patty C. said...

Oh my gosh - They are sooooooo cute! !!!

Tatkis said...

Oh, both Santas and the house ornament are soooo cute!
