Sunday, June 24, 2012


June 24th,
my favorite day
of the whole year.
Doesn't it have a nice ring to it?
I wanted to get married
on that day but
since we just met in
May, it was just a little
too early -
so we waited until August.....
Anyway, I received a
little note from the very
nice sales rep at Leisure Art's
My book will be out July 16th!
This is one of the little bitty pillows
featured in it.
Let me tell you,
the excitement around this
house is growing by leaps and bounds!
Been keeping the husband
busy opening plastic bags to
fill with new patterns &
my printer has to have a fan on it
to keep it cool!
Didn't realize printers could
put off so much heat.
I hope you all are having a wonderful
Sunday at your house.....
Elizabeth Ann


Tatkis said...

Wonderful news! And all your pillows are so lovely and cute!


Lori said...

Congratulations! You're really cranking them out! Way to go!!

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Congratulations Elizabeth! So happy for you. Your work is wonder they like it :)

Hope your newly planted grass grows fast for you!


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Adorable pillow! Congratulations on your book! How exciting!!