Tuesday, March 10, 2015

From the Bright Side to the Country Side......

 When my sewing machine went into
the shop, I finally made myself 
sit down 
figure out how to make 
this quilt,
that was in my head.....
Had to put those pretty bright
fabrics aside and get
back to my country roots,
(not sure how long this will last.....)
 Finally got it on the computer
and the fabrics chosen...
The fabrics always 
have a mind of their own,
I wanted some reds and pretty greens,
but they will have to wait
for the next project....
Lots of great little 5 inch blocks to make
and leaves everywhere 
to embroider....
Got the news today, I have 
been accepted to the MN International Quilt Market,
makes me nervous just typing it out!
I will be on my own there
not sure about it all,
but I thought I should try
at least one time.....
I emailed a few well known designers
a few questions
never heard back,
so I guess I need to figure it out
all by myself....
But for today I need
to take advantage of the
70 degree weather
take my little guy
for a nice long walk!
Have a great evening.....
Elizabeth Ann


sunny said...

Another beautiful quilt! What do you do with all your quilts?

Farm Girl said...

It is a pretty little quilt.
We have a rainy day today, but should be 90 by the weekend. I think it is way too early.
Have a lovely day.

Lori said...

How exciting! I think some designers get too big for their britches! LOL How about Anne at Bunny Hill? I bet she could/would give you some advice.

Love your latest creation!

Karen S said...

Very different colours but looking lovely, too.
Wow, market sounds very exciting!! Good luck!

Carol said...

Congratulations on being accepted into the quilt market show, Liz--I know you'll do great!! You have such a wonderful variety of quilts--something to appeal to everyone :)

Love the photo of Toby--looks like he's got his eye on some birds or something enticing outside!