Thursday, August 20, 2015


In between getting 
orders out 
printing patterns for 
the next two shows,
I have been collecting some
new things for my booth.
I am going to take our
truck this time
so I am taking some larger
pieces of furniture,
I think this will do nicely...
Found this cute little wooden crate
to take...
Bought this old 
wooden screen to 
hang quilts on....
Trying to find an old screen door
if I cannot,
Lowe's has a new one,
I'm sure I can beat it into
looking a bit old...
All I need now is a
country rug, some fabric
and a sign.
Got my thread packets
Hill Top,
so pretty, only got 8
I'm sure they will go quickly...
and I got my new threads,
twill tapes and cotton floss tapes
for the next few projects.
I decided which ones to use
on this project,
hopefully by Sunday I will
have some stitching to show you all.
Have a great weekend!
Elizabeth Ann


Carol said...

Your booth will look great, Liz--wish I could see it in person. I really love the little crate that you found--your small pillows look so nice in it :)

Farm Girl said...

Gosh I wish I lived close enough to come to your quilt shows! I think every thing is just lovely.