Friday, September 23, 2011

Flower Trees....

First of all Thank you for the nice comments on the little pincushions!  There seems to be a lot of pieces in one little space BUT wool is so much fun to work with.  It doesn't stretch or fray, I use just a little glue to hold it in place while stitching.  I can draw a design and within an hour have it cut and placed on the background and almost stitched!
The retail cost of each pattern is $7.00 and I have decided to sell directly to quilt shops or needlework shops.  I like to do all I can to encourage business for them!  I got a wonderful email this week - McCall's Quilting Magazine will feature one of my wool designs next year - How sweet is that?
I have started work on some Christmas designs and they are so much fun!
Have a great weekend.....
Elizabeth Ann


Patty C. said...

Another lovely pincushion - Congratulations on receiving the call from McCall's - I Guess they know Quality when they see it ;)

Dianne said...

That's wonderful about McCalls quilting magazine! Congratulations! I love all your designs...

matate10 said...

Great news about McCall's! I've got Quilter's Corner interested in your pincushions. They are stocking quite a bit of wool these days. BTW, I love the pincushions too, but still allergic to wool! Keep it up!

Mary Ann